Tuesday, August 05, 2003
I watched the Red Sox play the Orioles in Camden Yards this weekend. The Sox were blown out, but Nomah hit a homah, so that was nice. More to my point, it's a great park. It's clean, has good food, has enough room, has a few nice subtle touches, and looks great. And that's why I no longer want them to build a new stadium for the Red Sox. I've supported the pro-new Fenway people for a while now. Not the people who say the city should pay for something like half of it, but definitely the idea of a new, first-class stadium appealled to me a lot. But really, all of those nice amenities you get at a new ballpark are secondary. What matters is the baseball experience and the sense of history that a new stadium just can't deliver like Fenway Park does. Renovating Fenway is definitely a good idea, and finding ways to add seating is necessary, but we'll lose something great if we lose Fenway itself.
Maestro 1:21 PM